Thursday 16 September 2010

Out of Town launch

Tonight sees the official launch of East London's new concept in dining, Out of Town. Part cafe, part shop, part bar, this vintage dining haven not only serves up a unique experience with it's eclectic beverages, it hosts a whole range of found art, bespoke furniture and reclaimed clothing. What's more? Everything's available to buy down to the chair you're sitting on whilst enjoying a bev or two as you take in the surrounding vintage memorabilia.

Gems you can expect to find in Out of Town are original WWII American aviator jackets, submariner jumpers, American and European work wear and boots, French Blues, original Belstaff
...the list of rare finds goes on and on...

Official launch is tonight, keep posted for forth coming events to coincide with London Fashion Week when Out of Town will be hosting special event nights celebrating fashion, music, art- anything and everything!

Come down and check out this quirky little space for yourself. You'll be enticed like a fish to a bait leaving you hooked on Out of Town.

30c Great Sutton Street

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