Friday 17 September 2010

LFW: Lucy in Disguise Shop Launch

Last night was full of fashion adventures. Us Freewheelin girls mapped out our tracks for the hot parties we wanted to hit. Starting with the Launch of Out of Town...

The bar/cafe/shop was everything it was hyped up to be, people were lapping up the vintage memorabilia, the cheeky bev and the delicious organic bites went down a treat!...Here's how it looked...

Then it was on to the next...Launch of Lily Allen and Sarah Owen's Vintage shop, Lucy in Disguise. The champers was flowing, serious shapes were being cut on the dancefloor and best of all, the glamorous vintage finds being stocked left a lasting impression- we'll definitely be heading back there to pick up a gem!

Left the launch, feet killing us at this point (picking out the highest heels definitely wasn't a good idea)...but had to power on to the next...Eat Me magazine party. Jalous in Hanover Square hosted the party...

At this point, we wanted to take our shoes off, get some chips and hit the sack! Great start to LFW...Keep track of the Freewheelin girls fashion adventures through out LFW right here!

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