Tuesday 5 October 2010

Spike the Squirrel's MISSING!!!!

Official Statement released today:

It was on Friday, that we first noticed Spike the Squirrel had gone missing. That morning, Spike had got up early; passing Crawford the Cat on the way out, he had mumbled something about going to the super market and needing a pot of Nutella. (This rang alarm bells as we all thought he had given up this addiction a while back) But at 7.30 that evening, he still hadn’t returned…

Spike has never been away from the Brat & Suzie gang for this long before, we have all experienced Spike’s constant search for adrenaline sports but whenever he has scooted off on his motorbike for one of his adventures before, he always tells us what he has planned and more importantly, returns the same day- we are now beginning to wonder what trouble the dare devil Squirrel has got himself into?

On Saturday, after a long night of worry we decided to contact the police…

It has now been 4 days since anyone has seen Spike and we are launching a full-scale search campaign to find him. We would like to appeal to all fans and friends to show their support and come forward with any news, sightings or anything at all which might be helpful in our investigation.

And Spike… if you are listening… we love you and please please let us know you are safe.

Thank you,

Brat & Suzie x

Please join his Facebook page and follow him on Twitter! The more fans he has the more likely he is to go back to where he belongs, with the Brat & Suzie clan!

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