Friday 29 October 2010

Orange Dot gallerys next big exhibiton!

It's a new month which means a new exhibition...ORIGINS

This one's bound to be big! It's the first ever show from IFC and they will be taking you back to the roots, art from the streets so expect early works including freehand spray, paint, marker, paste ups, sculptures, stencil and photography from a highly talented group of artists. Need we say any more?

Thursday 5th November
Orange Dot Gallery
54 Tavistock Place

Thursday 28 October 2010

Recent Out of Town Coverage

Out of Town featured in last Weekends Telegraph Magazine!

They were also interviewed by Idol Magazine today so watch this space...

Monday 25 October 2010

Thursday 14 October 2010

Dollop launch in Heaven Nightclub

Get ready for a big night on the 27th of October when Dollop will be lanching in legendry club, Heaven! Get your tickets early for only £'s one night you don't want to be missing out on.

Out of Town's WWII in Shortlist

A vintage and original WWII B15 American Airforce jacket from Out of Town featured bottom left hand corner.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Spike the squirrels debut on The Inbetweeners?

If you caught the latest episode of The Inbetweeners, you might have seen a squirrel that resembles Spike...

We can now reveal that it was infact, Spike!! He was making his first acting debut...shame he got run over at the end...but he's such a hard-core dare devil he insisted he do his own stunts...We got a pretty big shock, but E4 gave us a call to let us know all is good and Spike's back on the road looking for more fun and games. Oh how we're releaved!

Monday 11 October 2010

Hendrick's Horseless Carriage

Just when you think the 'pop-up' concept is getting old, out comes this eccentricly beautiful restaurant/bar! Based in Clerkenwell from the 11th for 7 days only it's the one place you have to make sure you check out...and you will not be disappointed

For more info visit Hendrick's Horseless Carriage

Brat & Suzie copy cats!!

Look what we found at Henry Holland....pretty much the exact same FOX STOLE print from Brat & Suzie...

Henry Holland design (Ahem-rip off)

ORIGINAL Brat & Suzie design!

We know which one we prefer...the original of course!

AND Spike the Squirrel seems to have a few copy cats himself...check out these high street versions of the daredevil...



Original reigning champ and bestseller! Will be adorning jumpers and sweats this this space!

Banksy creates Simpsons title sqeuence

Thursday 7 October 2010

Mathew Rose Launch Exhibition

Tuesday saw the launch of the much anticipated exhibition, Scared but Fresh, by artist, Mathew Rose. The turn out was brilliant, and the work was quirky and unique with a vintage feel.

The exhibition at The Orange Dot gallery will be running until the 31st of October, so get yourself down there to check it out!

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Spike the Squirrel's MISSING!!!!

Official Statement released today:

It was on Friday, that we first noticed Spike the Squirrel had gone missing. That morning, Spike had got up early; passing Crawford the Cat on the way out, he had mumbled something about going to the super market and needing a pot of Nutella. (This rang alarm bells as we all thought he had given up this addiction a while back) But at 7.30 that evening, he still hadn’t returned…

Spike has never been away from the Brat & Suzie gang for this long before, we have all experienced Spike’s constant search for adrenaline sports but whenever he has scooted off on his motorbike for one of his adventures before, he always tells us what he has planned and more importantly, returns the same day- we are now beginning to wonder what trouble the dare devil Squirrel has got himself into?

On Saturday, after a long night of worry we decided to contact the police…

It has now been 4 days since anyone has seen Spike and we are launching a full-scale search campaign to find him. We would like to appeal to all fans and friends to show their support and come forward with any news, sightings or anything at all which might be helpful in our investigation.

And Spike… if you are listening… we love you and please please let us know you are safe.

Thank you,

Brat & Suzie x

Please join his Facebook page and follow him on Twitter! The more fans he has the more likely he is to go back to where he belongs, with the Brat & Suzie clan!

Friday 1 October 2010

Short film screening: 'Invisible' and 'Sweep'

Last night, writer and director, Harold Chapman showcased two of his short films at the Bafta in Piccadilly. The first, Invisible was a short about the life of an immigrant working on London streets as a cleaner, feeling invisible as people pass him by as they get on with their everyday lives. The second, Sweep was a documentary on street sweepers. It was an insight into their lives, where they come from, what they did/want to do in the future. It was interesting hearing their point of view because we pass them in the streets every single day, yet we never appreciate their hard work...or realise just what a difference they make...