Tuesday 22 September 2009

London Fashion Week Shenanigans!

Shamelessly blagging our way into places we are definitely not cool enough to be seen in this week has led to some messy nights and a permanent state of hangover... But it has certainly been a LFW to remember...

Here are the highlights from our shenanigans at last night's Paul Smith for Evian Party....

Personal unforgettable moments include:
  • stalking that guy from JLS (not Astin or Marvin but the other less good looking one that no-one can remember the name of?) 
  • attempting to 'steal' a  designer  evian bottle only to find out they are actually freebies in the goody bag- doh!
  • cornering a rather scared photographer until he agreed to take our (very drunk and most likely terrible) photo and then reminding ourselves to pick up a London Lite- sure that we would definitely be in it...
Oh the life of fashion...

 here's the pics...

The 'stolen bottles'
We have Band
nice spangly leggings...


cool displays

the walk home- carrying a cardboard ghetto blaster... we are cool!


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